Saturday morning in the Meeting House ... |
The letter sets out details of the targets meeting has set itself to raise towards our building development project. (This is in addition to the main part of the costs covered by financial reserves of the meeting.)
Following an insert in "The Friend" and a nationwide mailing, Friargate Friends have already been encouraged by the many contributions coming in from individual Friends throughout the country, as well as from many other local Quaker meetings.
The letter also sets out the timescale for our fundraising: efforts will need to continue for the three years of the building project. This also means that individual donations can be spread over this period, not just now. A three-year contribution schedule was also sent out, so that meeting can plan expected income more reliably. Some letters were posted, but most have been delivered via our meeting house pigeon holes.
Another hundred to write and address. |
... so this is what fundraising involves. |