Next week work is going to start on Phase II. This week our staff have been kept really busy. This phase of the work is on the ground floor and impinges on many of the public areas, whilst for many people Phase 1 was out of site on the garden level of the building.
So many areas of the meeting house need to be cleared out ready for building action over the summer. A huge task for those involved, whilst maintaining lettings as far as possible. The library and all its books are also being moved, which in itself is no small task.
An added unforeseen complication has been caused by the start of major renovation and building works directly opposite to us in Friargate, of which we had been unaware – until last Sunday morning the scaffolders moved in and blocked off access to Friargate.
This means added difficulties for access in that narrow little street which is Friargate, as well as the removal of all the public bike racks there. And these were part of the arrangements for visitors to the meeting house while our own bike parking facilities are out of action during the building works ...
Great to see how Tasha, Phyllis and Helen are coping with everything cropping up each day with such calm and competence.
And good to see how the final part of the Friargate Project takes off.