Thursday, 19 March 2015

UPDATE 3 now ready

The next edition of our project newsletter is now finished. It's already online on our website

Hard copies are now also printed, again on our 100% recycled paper of choice. (By using this paper, on one edition of Update we 79 litres of water, 16.3 kWh of electricity and 7.5kg of wood pulp.)

Next week we'll be inserting a copy into each edition of Quakevine, York's monthly Quaker newsletter. Copies will also be distributed around the Area Meeting, and to users of our meeting house. Visitors will be able to pick one up on the round table near the entrance of Friargate.

The newsletter takes stock of what has been achieved so far, and sets the scene for Phase 2 of the development, due to begin this summer. In July, the next edition will set out Phase 2 in more detail.

Update 3 – available at Friargate and online at

Behind the scenes

Details of Phase 2 are still being settled. Apart from the four new rooms on a new upper floor (accessible of course via our new lift), the street level foyer will undergo something of a transformation, with the present library room being opened up to make a seating and reading area.

This will also mean that natural light from the terrace will brighten the entrance lobby, and the shortening of the corridor will mean that The Quiet Room will become easier to reach and a more visible part of the overall concept.

And while we're at it …
Quite a few other improvements will enhance the meeting house experience for visitors. Increased soundproofing, a new additional entrance for the main meeting room, some new carpets, and last but not least the upgrading and refurbishing of our main cloakroom areas.

The costing of the works is still being finalised by all involved, but at the moment it looks as if a target of around £390,000 will be likely.

Fundraising has already started. As with Phase 1, this will include realising investments, donations, grant applications, special events, and, it is hoped financial support from within our Area Meeting. For the first time, interest-free loans will be part of the overall package.

At the beginning of March, fundraisers already contacted all members of Friargate meeting regarding donations and loans. In the light of the low interest returns on savings in the wider economy, this seems to be a practical way of underwriting the financial future our Quaker meeting and helping to fund a resource for the local community. Already a number of offers have come in, a very promising start.

In March the Fundraising Group sent out an appeal letter to Friargate Friends

Phase 2 on track for 2015

It is almost a year since the completion of Phase 1 of the Friargate Project. The Quiet Room is in use, both for access during the day and for use by groups in the evenings. The U3A groups seem very pleased with the light and airy rooms on the garden level.

And the Woolman Room, so long plagued by damp problems via its historic underground wall, has now become one of our most popular rooms. It's now an inviting venue, with its own separate access.

The Garden Room is proving an excellent choice for smaller groups and committees, both because of its convenient set-up flexibility and on account of its quiet garden setting.

And in the meantime, committees, volunteers, staff and contractors have been taking stock, ready for Phase 2 which we hope will be completed in 2015.

The new Woodman Room set up for a small group presentation