Thursday, 19 March 2015

UPDATE 3 now ready

The next edition of our project newsletter is now finished. It's already online on our website

Hard copies are now also printed, again on our 100% recycled paper of choice. (By using this paper, on one edition of Update we 79 litres of water, 16.3 kWh of electricity and 7.5kg of wood pulp.)

Next week we'll be inserting a copy into each edition of Quakevine, York's monthly Quaker newsletter. Copies will also be distributed around the Area Meeting, and to users of our meeting house. Visitors will be able to pick one up on the round table near the entrance of Friargate.

The newsletter takes stock of what has been achieved so far, and sets the scene for Phase 2 of the development, due to begin this summer. In July, the next edition will set out Phase 2 in more detail.

Update 3 – available at Friargate and online at