Thursday, 19 March 2015

Phase 2 on track for 2015

It is almost a year since the completion of Phase 1 of the Friargate Project. The Quiet Room is in use, both for access during the day and for use by groups in the evenings. The U3A groups seem very pleased with the light and airy rooms on the garden level.

And the Woolman Room, so long plagued by damp problems via its historic underground wall, has now become one of our most popular rooms. It's now an inviting venue, with its own separate access.

The Garden Room is proving an excellent choice for smaller groups and committees, both because of its convenient set-up flexibility and on account of its quiet garden setting.

And in the meantime, committees, volunteers, staff and contractors have been taking stock, ready for Phase 2 which we hope will be completed in 2015.

The new Woodman Room set up for a small group presentation